less than a year ago
2024-08-17 13:36:21
+27833895606 Mamlambo snake|Amagudwane Rats|Shortboys|in Easterncape|Umuthatha|Bhisho|Soweto|AlexMamlambo river snake. In 1997, South African newspapers (including Johannesburg’s The Star and Cape
Town’s CapeArgus) reported on sightings of a “giant reptile” monster in the Mzintlava River near Mount
Ayliff in South.
Africa. Villagers in the area claimed that the creature was 20 meters (67 feet) long, and had the head of a horse, the lower.
body of a fish, short legs, and the neck of a snake, and that it shined with a green light at night. During the period.
between January and April 1997, as many as nine deaths had been attributed to the Mamlambo. According to police
the victims had been in the water a while and had the soft parts of their heads and neck eaten by crabs; local villagers.
on the other hand, claimed that these mutilations had been caused by the Mamlambo’s habit of eating faces.